Our farm store will be OPEN Saturday, February 15th, from 10am to 2pm, with deliveries later that day. We are also open other days by appointment.
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Ham Steak

Copper Penny Farm

1 Medium Ham Steak (1.5 to 2 pounds) | Approx 1.75 pounds @ $9.00/pounds = $15.75 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Large Ham Steak (2 to 2.5 pounds) | Approx 2.25 pounds @ $9.00/pounds = $20.25 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Extra-large Ham Steak (2.5 to 3 pounds) | Approx 2.75 pounds @ $9.00/pounds = $24.75 + $0.00 Assembly

These smoked slices of ham are very popular in our household. The defrost and cook quickly for a delicious last-minute meal. They can be pan-fried, grilled or baked. (One of our favorite ways to prepare is to place the hams steak in a baking pan, dump a can of pineapple on top, juice and all, and bake until it reaches the internal temp of 160. Easy and delicious!)

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